BNB icon USDC icon

BNB-USDC price


Price updated every 2 minutes.


Right now, 1 BNB is equal to USDC. This price is updated every 2 minutes.

Right now, 1 USDC is equivalent to BNB.

The BNB-USDC price is calculated by making an average of the real-time price of both BNB and USDC on multiple large marketplaces.

Tabla de conversión BNB-USDC

1 BNB=
0,5 BNB=
0,1 BNB=
0,05 BNB=
0,01 BNB=
0,005 BNB=
0,001 BNB=
0,0005 BNB=
0,0001 BNB=
0,00005 BNB=
0,00001 BNB=
10 USDC=
15 USDC=
25 USDC=
50 USDC=
100 USDC=
1 000 USDC=
10 000 USDC=
100 000 USDC=
1 000 000 USDC=

How to swap BNB to USDC

Mt Pelerin BNB-USDC swap widget
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