New referral program & pricing update

November 30th 2022

Invite friends & earn!

When you recommend us to others, you help us get known and make new people try our service. That is of course an extremely valuable contribution to our growth and future, for which we are hugely grateful to you!

Today we go beyond being thankful and give you a concrete reward for recommending us:

You can now earn 15% of the fees paid by people you invite to Mt Pelerin!

To do so, you simply need to get your personal invitation link in Bridge Wallet (make sure to have the latest app version) and share it around you. Rewards will be automatically paid on your address at the end of each month.

You will find all the information on this new program here:

Boost referrals to 50% with MPS

You can increase your 15% referral rate up to 50% by adding liquidity to the MPS pools! You will earn +1% in referral fees for each $100 of value that you add to the Uniswap (Ethereum) and/or SushiSwap (Gnosis Chain) pools, up to a maximum of 50%.

Simply add liquidity from a wallet address that is linked to your profile with us, and the rest will be automatically calculated. You can check your current referral rate at any time in Bridge Wallet.

Of course, MPS added to liquidity pools will still count in our fees reduction program, which we've improved by the way (see below)!

Revenue sharing for integrators

If you have integrated our on/off ramp widget on your website or in your mobile app, you can of course also benefit from this revenue sharing program.

To do so, you must use the 'rfr' parameter in your implementation with your referral code. To get a custom one, please contact us.

Please note that by default, referral earnings are capped at $1,000 per month. To remove that limit, please contact us.

Improved MPS program

Many of you asked for more flexibility than the two MPS thresholds (50 MPS and 500 MPS) that provide a reduction of our service fees, so we've changed that and made something linear and simpler:

Each 1 MPS that you own now gives you:

  • +100 of free buy/sell annual volume
  • -0.004% on your fees beyond that

There is a maximum of CHF50,000 in free volume that you get that way, and a maximum of 0.4% fee reduction compared to our base pricing (which remains unchanged).

End of Jarvis sponsoring

Starting on December 1st 2022, the purchase and cash out of the Jarvis jFiat stablecoins will be subject to our standard pricing and won't be free up to CHF100,000 per year and per user anymore.

That unique offer was launched last year through our partnership with Jarvis Network and made possible thanks to the sponsoring of our service costs by their treasury.

Today, 14 months later, they have reached the end of what they were able to subsidize, a budget that had already been extended several times on their side.

We can all thank them immensely for their effort and commitment to this partnership, which allowed us to make together an incredible showcase of the possibilities offered by DeFi for Web3.0 payments and for user adoption in general!

Jarvis and us will remain close partners of course, and we will continue to explore new ways to bring you more awesome stablecoin use cases in the future!